Thursday, May 28, 2009

Interplanetary attempts at commmunication

Most of the newspaper columns I write draw some juicy disagreement. That's good. I'm not wild about the name-calling stuff that points out what a moron I am without bothering to look seriously at the issue or topic at hand, but getting challenged on my analysis and perspective is what op-ed journalism is all about.
Occasionally I'm baffled that two people living on the same planet could see things so differently. That happened this past week, and I wrote about it.
(The limited format of this online column, with no italics, makes it a little hard to tell who's saying what where. I don't like that, but maybe it fits the chaos of the public conversation...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that when our focus is on bad communication, then bad communication is what we will have.
