Thursday, August 23, 2007

Television to TAB by

If you would agree that taking America back means good clear information about what's going on, and that a whole lot of people will continue to rely on TV to find that out, I think you'll want to know about this.


Anonymous said...

The RNN is an interesting idea and a beta of their website is already up at:

It's slick, it looks very well produced and executed but I have concerns that it will go the way of Al Franken's "Air America Radio".

I'd thought of something similar involving purchasing ad space through donations in order to use the mass media to get the word out.

I'm curious to see how things go with Real News, but based on the informational video on Youtube I've got to admit, it seems a litte bit all over the place... lots of issues being covered and talked about and I am concerned about "How will it play in Peoria?" will the general public get it?

An interesting comparison would be how many hits Real News got today as oppossed to how many hits that Perez Hilton got today?

Are people willing watch Real News and have a serious think about whats going on? On the right we've got guys like GW Bush saying "911 911 911 911 911 911 terror 911 911 911 911" and on the left we've got guys like John Stewart smirking his way through current events and wrinkling his eyebrows to make himself seem engaged.. at the end of the day the guy is a standup comedian... but the Daily Show has seemed to engage the public in such a way that quite a few people watch John Stewart for the news as oppossed to network news, which I think says more about the sad state of mass-media journalism than it does about John Stewart and his writing team. Ask Dan Rather.

I guess the bottom line is that if the American people want "real news" John Stewart, Rupert Murdoch et. al. would be out of jobs. As Barnum said "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people."

BUT is it that simple, do we really just want bread and circuses or will people be willing to engage in the real news??

In any event, I'm curious to see how people react to the RNN, it's great to see Gore Vidal endorsing it and would love to see if any journalists or writers are willing to come out and offer their thoughts.

In other news, I've heard lots of rumors that Fidel Castro has died? Has anyone else been hearing the same thing.

Jeff Golden said...

I think what the Real News Network might birng that we haven't seen before is world-class CNN-grade production values, i.e., skillfullly-done TV that's compelling o watch, which could make it durable. We Americans, some of whom live in Peoria. like those pictures. They've amassed the capital to put some of the best V folks around to work.
My guess is that as they address issues in more depth than oher TV, some viewers will fall away, but some -- 5, 10, 25 million?--will be sufficiently engaged by good picures and sharp production to hang in there. We should know within a year or two. THese are smart folks putting this together, and I'm guessing they have good data on the potential audience and some smart ideas on how to get reach it.
Even without knowing how this will turn out....doesn't it have to be tried?
I saw one second-hand email saying Fidel's gone. If it doesn' break in the MSM tomorrow or Tuesday I'm guessing it's not true.

Anonymous said...

I agree, and I am very interested to see how RNN develops. I'd have to say that for production value it's look and feel is about as good as something you'd expect from CNN. At first, I was actually almost turned off by how slick and networky it looked, I almost felt like it was too pretty to be authentic.

I completely agree though Jeff, it is something that absolutely needs to be tried! If nothing else, the model will work and it could lead to other news stations/publications doing similar things.

It looks like the big news today is the resignation/pileup on Alberto Gonzales. I don't really know what to say, I never got the impression that Mr. Gonzales was particularly qualified for AG and some of the things that happened while he occupied that position have been pretty shocking. There seems to be no shortage of swords to fall on in Washington these days.